ProQuest | ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 31 Players

We started the day with pure hype for the event going on, no covid BS, just FAB. But a storm layed waste to the public transport system of the Netherland. The sheer dedication of players ordering UBERs left and right, requesting carpools and only 1 player didn’t make the start. The atmosphere is great from…
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Nationals: Let’s play Prism

Hello community! I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading Didier’s Tournament Report about Nationals.If you haven’t checked it out, make sure to do so: • Part 1 (Blitzed) • Part 2 (FabFive)Or feel free to stay here to enjoy my Nationals article! 😀 Unlike some players, I was not prepared for this day of Classic Constructed!…
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Nationals Tournament Report (Top 4) – Part 1 of 2

Wow, that was a great F&B weekend. Finishing top 4 at the first Dutch Nationals is an amazing result and what made it even more special was the great atmosphere and community feel. A quality judge team, well organised tournament and great opponents playing quality matches whilst maintaining good spirits and friendly banter! Special shoutout…
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Speedytoys online armory – November

Met oog op de coronacijfers en nieuwe maatregelen is spelen in de winkel minder goed mogelijk.Om de community toch te kunnen bedienen organiseert met support van een online Blitz Armory.We starten om 20:00 en zullen afhankelijk van het aantal spelers 3 (tot en met 16) of 4 (meer dan 16) rondes spelen. Kosten…
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Nationals: What to play?

Hello again Flesh and Blood community! It has been quite a while since I posted my last Flesh and Blood article, and during these past few months our community has grown by a lot! Which means many people have been breaking the first two rules of Fi…lesh and Blood Club. But now you’re here, you’ll…
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Skirmish Event – Blitz – 21 november Tilburg

In samenwerking met organiseert de Dobbelsteen Tilburg op 21 november 2021 een Skirmish Event voor Flesh & Blood. Het formaat is Blitz: Zaal open: 12:00Aanvang: 12:15Kosten: €5,- Prijzenpot: Veel toffe goodies! Capaciteit: 32 manAanmelden: (VERPLICHT)

Armory Event – Blitz – 24 oktober Tilburg

In samenwerking met organiseert de Dobbelsteen Tilburg op 24 oktober 2021, ter voorbereiding op het Skirmish event van 21 november 2021, een Armory Event toernooi voor Flesh & Blood. Het formaat is Blitz: Zaal open: 12:00Aanvang: 12:15Kosten: €5,- Prijzenpot: Cold foil weapon prize cards Extended art promo cards Rainbow Foil Adult Hero cards ‘People’s…
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Blitz toernooi – – Zwolle

Het eerste in-store blitz toernooi komt eraan!Zondag 5 september spelen we vanaf 12:00 Blitz in Speedytoys in Zwolle.Deelname kost 10,- euro, hiervoor gaan er boosters in de prijzenpot en word er een mooie mat verloot; niemand gaat met lege handen naar huis! Inschrijven kan via:, er is plek voor maximaal 20 spelers. Praktische gegevens:Datum/tijd:…
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Ironrot to Conquer the Universe

Hello FAB community! It has come to my attention that some potential new players are having second thoughts about getting into Flesh and Blood due to the steep cost of some cards that are considered to be ‘essential’. Well, luckily I have some good news for you! With unlimited sets being released, most Majestics are…
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Careful Combat Chain Considerations

Great news everyone. Flesh and Blood is getting more and more players by the week! We notice it in our Blitzed community chat and tournaments: The Blitzed battles of this month will be played by a whopping twenty-three FABulous people! BIG welcome to all new players, I hope you’ll all soon feel at home. With…
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