Month: November 2021

Nationals: Let’s play Prism

Hello community! I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading Didier’s Tournament Report about Nationals.If you haven’t checked it out, make sure to do so: • Part 1 (Blitzed) • Part 2 (FabFive)Or feel free to stay here to enjoy my Nationals article! 😀 Unlike some players, I was not prepared for this day of Classic Constructed!…
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Nationals Tournament Report (Top 4) – Part 1 of 2

Wow, that was a great F&B weekend. Finishing top 4 at the first Dutch Nationals is an amazing result and what made it even more special was the great atmosphere and community feel. A quality judge team, well organised tournament and great opponents playing quality matches whilst maintaining good spirits and friendly banter! Special shoutout…
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Speedytoys online armory – November

Met oog op de coronacijfers en nieuwe maatregelen is spelen in de winkel minder goed mogelijk.Om de community toch te kunnen bedienen organiseert met support van een online Blitz Armory.We starten om 20:00 en zullen afhankelijk van het aantal spelers 3 (tot en met 16) of 4 (meer dan 16) rondes spelen. Kosten…
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Nationals: What to play?

Hello again Flesh and Blood community! It has been quite a while since I posted my last Flesh and Blood article, and during these past few months our community has grown by a lot! Which means many people have been breaking the first two rules of Fi…lesh and Blood Club. But now you’re here, you’ll…
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