ProQuest | ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 31 Players

ProQuest | ‘s-Hertogenbosch – 31 Players

We started the day with pure hype for the event going on, no covid BS, just FAB. But a storm layed waste to the public transport system of the Netherland.

The sheer dedication of players ordering UBERs left and right, requesting carpools and only 1 player didn’t make the start.

The atmosphere is great from the get go, everybody is pumped to play, the new Everfest meta is upon us and the Briar bans has left a power vacuum. Many have heard of the raw power Bravo Star of the Show could bring, but only 3 of 31 brought the deck.

The day starting with a special Quad Prism

With a fair share of Prisms, getting a special mirror tables 4 of them facing each other off, maybe a reason why no prism hit the top 8?

Laurens wants to block with a Guardian, but Bravatar abuses Seed Crown so much that he picked it as the strongest deck. Donovan only wanted that top spot for an invite and agreed with Laurens, trying a bit defence heavier version of the new Bravo. Big D Veenstra finally found a guardian who he could play aggressively and enjoyed it immensely. With all of them grinding events, it wasn’t a surprise to see them as the only 3 to play ‘THE DECK’ but hit top 8 with it.

The only dash player, Efri, did hit top 8, but she was smart enough to bring in unmoveable! And the Katsu player hits top 8s like it’s breakfast, seeing Didier was no surprise.

Channel Mount Jimmy is a meme of itself with a little Gary/Ash rivalry from our Dutch Nats champ Philip himself on Chane. Now during the day I’ve witnessed some extensive Art of War turns, but Kevin played like an automaton and it was fantastic to witness.

Our TOP 8!

A small recap with the perspective from the Head Judge, Nick from OnlyFABs

First and foremost, my fellow judge Marcel Scheenaard. Together we complimented each other greatly and our TO Daan, booted the event off nicely. Marcel Scheenaard was kind enough to transfer all decklist to fabdb, which you can see here below and in between rounds made sure to explain the game to an old competitive Magic player, who reminisced at the good old days of playing 8 hours of TCGs and FAB is one hell of a TCG!

And a monumental compliment to all players involved, our role was very invisible during the day. All questions where confirmation questions of interactions. Most judge calls could be solved on the spot, one call was verified with our Dutch Judge all-star Joost, whom was quick to pick up the phone and say ‘Yeah man’.

Marcel Scheenaard

Watching games as the Judge didn’t distract people, they where too busy having fun (which I ordered, fun is mandatory!). Now at the bottom tables I saw some pragmatic solutions to board states, but all in all, they were enjoying the game. Remember, fun is mandatory.

The toughest judge call I had to do, was to ask somebody to go all in… but the TCG gods found their way and everything sorted out… The best of the day duked it out and the match was breath taking to watch. With our own ‘Baalhuis reporting’ pushing every single play in a single line in whatsapp… Which had the guys and girls at the edge of their seat without being there.

The Dutch Flesh and Blood community is heart warming to be a part off

All top 8 lists are here below – In no particulier order

  1. – Bravatar
  2. – Bravatar
  3. – Bravatar
  4. – Chane
  5. – Chane
  6. – Katsu
  7. – Dash
  8. – Briar