Nationals: What to play?

Nationals: What to play?

Hello again Flesh and Blood community!

It has been quite a while since I posted my last Flesh and Blood article, and during these past few months our community has grown by a lot! Which means many people have been breaking the first two rules of Fi…lesh and Blood Club. But now you’re here, you’ll have to play!

Research shows us that at this very moment both advanced players and beginners are wondering what to play. And I’ll gladly write a few words that might help you out a little. I aim to write an article specially dedicated to new players who want to play Flesh and Blood on a budget somewhere next week.

For the advanced players: With everyone’s eyes on the UK and US games, many of us are wondering what to play at the Dutch Nationals at Kai of Cards, next Saturday. But do not worry: I have done some research and I have the answer for you! There is a method of deciding what to play, which has been tested and perfectioned by our very own four-times Hall of Fame winner Jonathan!

The trick is to spin the wheel and see what you’ll play. If the results do not immediately show what you wanted to play, keep on spinning the wheel until it does show Dorinthea. This method works best if you follow your heart. Because deep inside, you know what you want to play. You know what you’re good at and which hero you’ve got that mad chemistry with! Don’t let the people online fool you! Those internet people with their net-decks, their youtube video’s and their Flesh and Blood articles. Don’t listen to them: Listen to your heart, your playtesting experience and how much you enjoy playing a specific hero.

For everyone who is still reading. It’s true that I just told you to “not listen to the people online and their articles”, in an article. And I understand this could result in some complicated loops between believing and not believing. I sincerely hope I haven’t caused anyone complications or worries about Liar Paradox.

All jokes aside. I know many players are thinking about which hero to bring to the Nationals, while we normally would just bring our default hero. This time it really feels like a big tournament, and we want to perform better and do our homework well. But the truth is, we shouldn’t keep on lingering in doubt for too much longer and continue with ‘knopen doorhakken instead. That way, we can play some more practise games before the tournament.

And remember, we are the Dutch community; We’ll all make it an amazing time for everyone. Even though it is competitive, there will be sportsmanship, fun, creative plays, and a lot of gezelligheid. See you soon!


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