How we started monthly webcam tournaments during covid times.

During long lasting and intense national lockdowns, there was a huge need to find alternative ways to compete in organized play.
Having previous experience with webcam tournaments in other cardgames, an enthousiastic group of new friends jumped in the gap and started hosting webcam tournaments using the Play Anywhere program.
In an attempt to connect players across the country in organized play, hosting both Blitz and Classic Constructed tournaments became a monthly recurring event.
Our goal is to provide a friendly, competitive (but not cutthroat!) experience, where players keep returning to to have a few more games.
Tournaments are free of charge and run entirely by volunteers.

Our formula.

We noticed that without a physical location to go to, and with players spread-out al across the country, there was a need for more flexibility.
At the start of a new month, signed-up players will be divided in multiple pods of players.
The goal is to play each and every one of the players in your own pod before the month ends, scheduling your own matches at whatever time works for both you and your opponents.
In order to encourage fair-play and participation, prize-support will be spread via a lottery amongst all players that managed to finish their matches in time.
Depending on the amount of participants, we usually wrap the tournament up with a top-2, 4 or 8.

With the rapid growth, pod-play was no longer a suitable alternative.
Since fall 2021, we started playing Swiss on a schedule.
Scheduling your own matches is still the norm, you will have to play 1 match a week, followed by a top-8 cut.
Switching to Swiss made our untimed rounds even more beginner-friendly, as with regular tournament progression, you’re more and more likely to play players of similar skill level.

Our host.

Of course, with LSS dropping support (no more XP gain) for independent tournament organizers, the search for a host began.
A suitable host was quickly found in De Dobbelsteen Tilburg, allowing us to once more gain XP whilst graciously providing our events with promotional materials.

After in-store play continued, Speedytoys picked up where De Dobbelsteen left.
This allowed us to continue both our online and offline play to thrive in between lockdowns.
We’re still going strong and hope to see you in-store again soon!

Blitzed.nl anniversary

With blitzed.nl growing up rapidly, we hosted a “coming of age” tournament where young heroes were allowed to be played as if they were adults with double hp.
This tournament was hosted by our community all-star Corné from Kai of Cards.
Format was Classic Constructed, there was no fixed entree fee (pay what you want/can) and an auction; all proceedings (over €2200,-!) went to https://www.alzheimer-nederland.nl/.
A big fat stack of prizes were donated by some of your favorite stores: Kai of Cards, De Dobbelsteen Tilburg, IanTcg and Speedytoys.
The Fabfive donated their Tales of Aria preview Rampart to our auction!
Kai of Cards even auctioned off a sealed retailer appreciation book, legend has it that it now resides in the home of the first Dutch national champion.

Above all, we had a lot of fun during our special anniversary event.
Our own Nick from the OnlyFabs youtube channel commentated on matches, some of which were exceptionally beautiful.

The tournament was wrapped-up with a ridiculously large raffle, there were so many prizes that every player received multiple promo’s, playmats and even boosterboxes.

Thanks to all the players and stores that have made this a huge success!
We’re looking forward to next years anniversary event!

End of blitzed.nl

LSS did a pre-announcement that online armory events will be a thing of the past in the near future.
With covid restrictions fading away, most local communities have become self-sustaining entities.
This means the need for online play is no longer as big as it used to be.
Thanks to all players for the fun we’ve had! Hope to see you all at in-person events soon!